Aug 13, 2011
Happy 20th birthday to WWW!
Know the difference between web & internet?
“……..It was on August 6th, 1991, that Tim Berners-Lee, a British physicist at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN), in Geneva, created the first-ever web page—a summary of his WWW project along with explanations to help visitors build websites of their own and to search the web for information. No screen-shots survive of the original web page; its original address simply redirects visitors to a contemporary site providing details of the project’s early days at CERN.
First, however, a few things to get straight. The web is not to be confused with the internet—a global system of interconnected networks developed in the 1960s, originally for academic and government researchers in America. The internet sends information as discrete packets of data using a suite of protocols known as TCP/IP. The genius of the system is that the data tell the network where they want to go, instead of the network telling the data where they are being sent. All networks adopting this procedure—no matter where they are or how they actually function—are then reduced effectively to the same bare essentials, allowing them to interconnect and exchange data seamlessly.
The web, by contrast, is simply a way of organising information on a computer network by means of “hyperlinks”—ie, references to other resources on the network that users can visit directly from the document they are reading. As conceived, the web is simply another service—albeit a very important one—running on top of the internet……”
Via The Economist.
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