fly me high, high up.


Hello world!

I’ve once have had too many blogs since end 2002 – all existed for the sake of  ranting my daily muses, particularly my emotional nuances and sentimental moments through an outlet.

And more often than not, the surge of postings happened when i just got into OR immediately after getting out of a relationship turmoil. And once mundane-ness kicks into my single-hood, I hardly got motivated to keep up with blogging. As if there is nothing much to celebrate about life, or anything about life for that matter.

On top of that, I’ve also had my fair share of backlash, from the ignorant and naively genuine comments/posts in my previous blogs. I was slammed, blacklisted and hit right in the eye (metaphorically speaking).

Oh well.

But now, I think I’m ready to share and sweep all of those pessimistic/passive thinking aside. And start anew!

Related posts:

  1. Still inspired? Maybe.
  2. Growing up overnight
  3. Don’t work. Be hated. Love someone.
  4. Let’s all be inspired
  5. LOVELIFE 公益广告

Category: LIFE, MISC


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