A series of photography works by my favourite photographer – John Clang.
Personal love is the Time series.
“A series that involves recording a location, to show the passing of time in a montage style. Each strip of photograph in the montage is taken at a different time.
There is a sense of the intimate intricacy of how time moves, and how people are actually closer to one another, traveling in the same space with others, albeit at different times.”
Via Lens Culture.

Black Tape

Open Wound

Many many years ago, I chanced upon a girl’s wordpress blog by the name of ickleoriental. Somehow, her near-perfect fairy tale of meeting her prince charming and rather glamourous but down-to-earth life sounded too good to exist in a world like this. Every time I read her blog entries, I felt weird that i was sorta living life vicariously through hers. It’s always inspiring and depressing at the same time. While I wished that my life can be half as fortunate as hers, I was sure she has her ups and downs too, perhaps not shared blatantly to the world on the most naked platform channel – blogs.
So I stopped.
Just today, I chanced upon her blog again, and life has progressed into the next phase for her and her very good looking husband – they have one of the most adorable baby gal in the world!
Reading her entries has inspired me, yet again. Does true love really exist? Happiness? Contentment? I know everything is subjective, but do these feelings or states of mind actually last….significantly? I don’t know. In this day and age, when immediate friends and families go through countless breakups/failed marriages; when expectations of the meaning of love have drastically been reduced; when all the men around you are are always thinking with the wrong head etc etc, how does one retain or even possess any form of faith in human relationships?
Maybe I’m way too cynical. And I need to freeze my eggs. So that there is no time pressure, no stress. And less risks of birth complications, since I still have my eggs at 28 years of age? Hur.