fly me high, high up.


Future Of Photography

Reading ‘Microtrends‘ now and it’s struck me that spotting these non-mega trends are so important, yet easily overlooked, for business opportunities. Microtrends are not about shifts in behaviour; not about new preferences etc. But about a new intense, small and emerging group of people sharing some similar attributes which gives rise to some gaps (unmet needs and wants).

As with this article, spotting the microtrend in camera architecture has been neglected…

“…If you look at camera architecture, there’s a missed opportunity that the camera industry has brushed away….

With the first digital cameras, the industry was quick to replace the medium, film, with a sensor, but the rest stayed the same. But modern connectivity opens up a lot of different options, like being able to detach the lens from the viewfinder. What if you could go to a party, mount three or four lenses all over the room, and control them all wirelessly with one ‘camera’?…..”

Look at the possible prototype! It’s so cool!



Concept Camera: The WVIL from Artefact on Vimeo.

Via Fast Co. Design.

John Clang’s Works

A series of photography works by my favourite photographer – John Clang.
Personal love is the Time series.

A series that involves recording a location, to show the passing of time in a montage style. Each strip of photograph in the montage is taken at a different time.

There is a sense of the intimate intricacy of how time moves, and how people are actually closer to one another, traveling in the same space with others, albeit at different times.”

Via Lens Culture

Black Tape

Open Wound

Some snippets of my sanctuary








Peace from within


At Tioman.



At ubin.

Vintage is so beautiful

Via etsy.

There’s something about these pictures…

Via ffffound.

Underwater Magic

Via fffound.

One more to my lomo family?

I am such a sucker.

Via saikatbiswa.

Overdue Wedding Shots

Some shots from the daytime affair of my cousin’s wedding. Enjoy!