fly me high, high up.


Sleeved Blankets

This is really useful in the freezing cold winters. Not like Singaporeans get that, but I miss the cold so much! Sweltering heat in Singapore is simply intolerable – maybe someone can create something  like a walking aircon capsule? So that when we go for lunches under the mid day sun, we can be enclosed in individual bubble-looking thingy and not run the risk of getting heat strokes. My oh my.

Via happinessinbed.

Rubikon – DIY Pinhole Camera

Hands on doing your own pinhole camera – Rubikon with just a piece of paper (98 x 70 x 68 mm)!

And at the same time, refresh the fundamental functional principles of photography as you get your hands dirty with the cutting and folding etc.

Love the sample picture. Reminds me of the one I took at Nice, Italy in 2008 with Ikimono 110 Camera. Am totally in love with the grainy, dreamy effect created.

GAP-IPad App is cool

Wow, the kind of interactive catalogue I would like to ideally have for themannequeen. Users can browse a lot of (branded) denim content, celebrities and designers videos as well as music. Also, consumers can probably purchase straight off from the app too. Cool eh.

I guess I can only dream on….

Via itunes app store.

On a slightly different note, Gap has also developed a FB app called Lookbook which allows you to pick and match your outfit and then direct you to the Gap online store.

One disappointing aspect though – I would think it’d be better if the redirect actually points to the respective chosen apparels’ pages rather than the generic lookbook denim page. I’m sure to do this, backend will definitely have a dozen and one restrictions. So I guess it’s good enough for now.

SATC 2′s Set Decor

Previously blogged about SATC premiering on 15 Apr. My bad. It is actually 28 May =(

And check out the set decor here!

Jessica Sarah Parker looks wrinkled here. The effect of aging..

I Love Urban Outfitters’ photo frames

Taking photos is my passion, and of cos, the photos deserve a good spot in the room to get its fair share of attention from my occasional guests.

Got S to help me get this from Urban Outfitters in the States:

So my beloved lomo photos are displaying themselves proudly on the wall (in a corner):

And now I see this:

I want it too!

Gmail drag and drop

If you are very used to Mac’s drag and drop, you will be happy to know this!

Via gmailblog.