fly me high, high up.


Wanderlust for my favourite city

Send your love!

Send your love to someone far far away ;)

and you get this!

Via mapenvelope.

Social CRM – correct term?

Like this chart of summarising what SCRM is all about. But it is true though how ironic the naming is. Using “customer relationship management” is certainly not the most appropriate, knowing how customers cant be managed on social media platforms. They are kings/queens, even dictators in the social media arena. They manage what they want to know, they decide what they want to read, they choose who to follow/unlike.

Via Mashable.

Be on Times Square Billboard

Not long ago, think VS ran something similar as well. Submit a message or something and your picture + message get broadcast across the billboards in time square. Or was it some other retailer? Can’t really remember.

Well, the Mexican beer – Corona is joining in the fun. Here’s how it works: ”You “like” the Corona Light Facebook page. Once you do that, you get access to the Times Square app, which will let you upload a photo (at least 500×500) for use in a billboard the company will be running from November 8 to December 6.”

Via Mashable

So adorable

I want cushions like these for my kids in the future!

Via ishandchi